Why did you choose one another?
Why did you choose one other? – Uncovering the psychodynamics of couple relationships A question that is often asked not only in couple counselling but socially amongst friends and family is ‘why did you choose one another’? Most couples say ‘we fancied each other’, ‘I found him/her/they attractive’ - the sexual chemistry and sexual preferences. […]
Therapy Talks: An Introduction to Therapy
BACP’s new Therapy talks video has been featured in the national media and helps people understand more about what therapy is. It addresses some myths that surround therapy and explains how to find the right therapist for you. The video is at: https://youtu.be/3lOKEMYg8Jc
Does Counselling Change Lives: What is at the Heart of Effective Therapy?
  In a recent article by Wotton and Johnston in Therapy Today (March 2022) I was interested in their belief that ‘Therapy has never been more important in public life’. They go on to say that ‘Roughly a third of families in the UK include someone who is mentally ill. A third of us are […]